
June 23, 2010

Industry News

IMTS Focuses on Four Developing Technologies

Everyone comes to IMTS to see "the next big thing." You can see four of these at the Emerging Technology Center (ETC) at IMTS 2010 in Chicago. The four featured technologies this year are cloud computing, MTConnect, nanotechnology/micro manufacturing, and additive manufacturing. Get a brief overview by checking out a cool 3-D video that discusses these leading-edge technologies and take a tour of the ETC for some in-depth demonstrations. MTConnect, the open, royalty-free standard developed to foster communication between machine tools, made its debut in the ETC at IMTS 2008. More companies have begun pilot programs with MTConnect, and the standard is beginning to garner international attention. Cloud computing is a technology that has gained popularity by leaps and bounds over recent years using remote, large Internet farms to collect data. Nanotechnology is the development of materials and devices sized 100 nanometers or smaller, important especially in the fields of electronics and medicine. Additive manufacturing, the process of building objects from 3-D model data, allows design flexibility previously unknown and impossible in traditional subtractive processes. It allows for a much more rapid production process, as well as materials flexibility. See these and other new technologies this September in Chicago.
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