
January 30, 2012

Industry News

IMTS Reports Strong Exhibit Space Sales

Show management for The International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) reports positive news for exhibit space sales for IMTS 2012, which runs September 10-15, 2012, at McCormick Place in Chicago, Illinois. To date, more than 1,030 exhibitors have contracted more than 1,116,000 sq. ft. of exhibit space for IMTS 2012, up almost five percent and 10.3 percent respectively from IMTS 2010. "We're thrilled to see these continued strong numbers for IMTS 2012. This shows that manufacturing is going great guns and that the show is mirroring the market conditions," stated Peter Eelman, vice president, exhibitions and communications for IMTS. "We are working with McCormick Place to release additional exhibit space in January 2012 to accommodate all companies that wish to exhibit."

The show theme for 2012 is "Be There" and is a call to action for the more than 82,000 industrial decision makers from more than 119 countries who will attend IMTS to get ideas and find answers to their manufacturing problems and challenges, but most importantly, to stay ahead of the competition.

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