Industry News

October 10, 2022

Education & Training Industry News

INDEX Corporation Welcomes Students for MFG Day 2022

INDEX has announced that it hosted over 200 local middle school and high school students at its MFG Day 2022 event. Additionally, the company welcomed post-secondary students from multiple Indiana colleges and technical schools to learn about career pathways at the company.

INDEX_MFG Day_photo_1.jpgINDEX president & CEO Cris Taylor welcomes a group of high school students and speaks to them about

starting his career in a German apprenticeship program.

Students attending INDEX’s MFG Day event were welcomed by the company’s president and CEO, Cris Taylor, who focused on the potential for tremendous career growth within the industry. Then, students were split into small groups that toured INDEX’s facility. These tours included stops at eight distinct learning stations where experts provided information on and demonstrations of advanced machine tool technology, automation, additive manufacturing, software and more.

INDEX_MFG Day_photo_2.jpgStudents learn about CNC multispindle technology from lead applications engineer Daniel Kesting.  

At the close of their visit, students heard from Jose Zamora, training and development manager at INDEX. Mr. Zamora previewed the initial details of an in-development internship-to-apprenticeship program for high school students that will launch in 2023.

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Quality technician Bob Metzger provides students with an overview of the tools and processes used to measure parts and ensure accuracy.

“As someone who forwent university and instead continued my education in a German apprenticeship program, I am very passionate about making sure young people understand the potential our industry offers,” says Mr. Taylor. “In the US, I find that some educators are becoming keener to make sure their students are aware of the opportunities in manufacturing. It’s on us, American manufacturing companies, to engage with the schools, the students and the parents. A MFG Day event provides a great vehicle to drive that engagement.”

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Students view parts produced by additive manufacturing processes at a display presented by INDEX subsidiary One Click Metal.

INDEX’s MFG Day program also served as the inaugural event for The Pursuit Institute. This newly launched organization has been established in conjunction with all six public school systems in Hamilton County, Indiana. It will work to expand public-private partnerships to create a pipeline of skilled and credentialed students and directly impact the local economy.

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Fanuc and RZ Automation provide a joint presentation of modern automation solutions to students attending INDEX’s MFG Day 2022 event.

In addition to the students attending with The Pursuit Institute, INDEX also welcomed young people from Noblesville High School and KIPP Indy Public Schools. Multiple other local manufacturing companies and educators also participated in the event, including One Click Metal, Helmer Scientific, RZ Automation, Schafer Industries, Vincennes University and the Aviation Institute of Maintenance.
