
November 21, 2007

Heat Treating Industry News

Induction Heating Seminar Leads to Big Plans in 2008

The First Mexican Induction Heating and NDT seminar, held at the Plaza Camelinas Hotel in Queretaro, Mexico, featured several world-recognized experts of induction technology. Topics included electromagnetic and metallurgical aspects of induction heating, heat-treating and forging, trouble shooting, case studies and solutions, modern power supplies, monitoring and non-destructive testing.

According to Dr. Valery Rudnev from Inductoheat, a program entitled, “Intricacies of Induction Hardening and Tempering of Gears and Critical Components,” was originally scheduled to be a 35-minute presentation. 

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“Due to numerous requests we extended the subject,” says Rudnev. “It became a 50-minute lecture on the different aspects of induction heat treatment of gears including materials, microstructure, modes of induction heating ("tooth-by-tooth", "gap-by-gap", spin hardening, etc.), power control modes, stresses, hardening profiles, electromagnetics, computer modeling, etc.”


David Popkey, manager of international sales at Inductoheat, was pleased with the turnout at the event. “We had a full house for the program. The Q&A session went two hours longer than we expected, which was a pleasant surprise.”


Rudnev agreed. “The most impressive part was that nobody disappeared during the seminar. Due to the overwhelming amount of questions, we stayed longer at the end of each day.”

Inductoheat, Incotec and IBG sponsored the seminar in a joint effort that included more than 50 attendees from 15 automotive heating, heat-treating, and forging companies.

According to the company’s press release, demand for more information has led Inductoheat to plan additional seminars for 2008 in the areas of Monterrey and Mexico City.