
January 2, 2014

Industry News

Industrial Conference to Focus on Job Shop Lean

"Making the Lean and Flexible Factory a Reality," is a lean conference that takes place February 6, 2014 at the Lone Star Corporate Colllege in Houston Texas. This conference event consists of a unique learning game that teaches proven strategies for high-mix low-volume manufacturing, a tutorial on a method to build a Flean factory based on the complete product mix, a tutorial on proven approaches to sustain the gains of Lean implementation and (4) a user experience on sustaining a comprehensive 5S implementation. Speakers include Dr. Shahrukh Irani, director of industrial engineering research at Hoerbiger Corp. America and a contributor to Gear Technology magazine. Registration is $150 per person and will include breakfast, lunch, snacks and beverages. For registration information, visit the website below.

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