
June 10, 2009

Product News Industry News

Interactive CD-ROM D796 from SDP/SI Features Over 7,000 New Products Plus eStore Access

An interactive CD-ROM from Stock Drive Products/Sterling Instrument (SDP/SI) features a new 360-page "Inch / Metric Supplement Catalog, D795," containing over 7,000 components plus eStore access. In addition, the CD-ROM contains PDF versions of the previously published SDP/SI 1,184-page Master Inch Catalog, D790, and the 1,240-page Master Metric Catalog, D785. The CD-ROM has eStore access where you can order parts, request quotes, download 3D drawings, and check inventory at any time.

The D795 Inch/Metric supplement catalog contains technical information, specifications and photos sorted into the following groups: Belt & Chain Drives, Shaft Accessories, Bearings, Feed & Idler Rollers, Couplings, Vibration Mounts & Pads, Linear Motion Systems, Hardware, Right Angle Drives, Gearheads, Gearmotors and Clutches. These are just some of the components that can be found in the D795 catalog. By adding the Inch/Metric supplement catalog to the D785 Metric and the D790 Inch catalogs, customers have access to the largest source of drive components anywhere.

A separate section of the CD features a video of the Fairloc Integral Fastener system located right on the hub of a part. It eliminates the need for set screws, which prevent shaft damage. An interactive demo of the Shaftloc rotating device fastener is also featured. Shaftloc uses an outer and inner sleeve to lock components to a shaft. The CD also contains a 3-D view of the unique Conidrive belts and pulleys, which utilize a conical groove design that keeps the drive aligned without the need for pulley flanges.

The "Inch/Metric Supplement Catalog, D795" is available, free upon request.

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