
May 21, 2021

Heat Treating Industry News

Ipsen Brings Education Directly to Customers

In addition to classroom-style trainings at their manufacturing facility, Ipsen offers on-site Ipsen U courses to accommodate large groups at customer facilities. Ipsen U is a course designed to teach heat treatment fundamentals, best practices and new methods. Attendees receive an extensive overview of vacuum furnace equipment, processes and maintenance.

For on-site trainings, customers can choose which topics to focus on, allowing for a customized, hands-on experience that follows safety protocols. Ipsen sends highly qualified technical resources, sometimes those who were directly involved with the build of the furnace they are training on.

The next Ipsen U class is scheduled for August 3-5, 2021, in Cherry Valley, Illinois. Attendees for the 3-day course have the advantage of networking with other heat treaters and seeing how furnaces are built at Ipsen’s Vacuum Technology Excellence Center.
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