
April 5, 2013

Heat Treating Product News Industry News

Ipsen Ships TinyTurbo Units

Ipsen shipped three TinyTurbo units to a mid-Atlantic manufacturer. The furnaces were 18” x 18” x 24” (450 mm x 450 mm x 610 mm) and are equipped to handle a number of processes including hardening, tempering, brazing and annealing, showing that small can still be powerful. Other valuable features include:

•Fast cooling speeds and distortion control with 2, 6 and 12 Bar quench pressure options
•Increased command over processes through intuitive and user-friendly furnace controls software
•Precise temperature and uniformity control through a wide range of operating temperatures with adjustable power settings for each heating zone, using DigiTrim and PID (proportional integral derivative)
•Ability to meet specific process requirements by offering a wide variety of hot zone insulating materials
•More repeatable results through optional processes like AvaC (Acetylene-based Vacuum Carburizing) and SolNit (where nitrogen is dissolved into the surface layer or case of corrosion-resistant steels)
•Easy overhaul, repair and furnace cleaning with a hydrogen 10 Torr partial pressure system
•Decreased cycle times by 25 percent with greater throughput using convection

Ipsen technology is versatile, ensuring that the best fit for customers’ heat treating needs are achievable. TinyTurbo brings faster door-to-door performance to a wide range of applications, including powder metal, high-speed steel, cutting tools and dies. The TurboTreater line also includes the SuperTurbo the industry’s premium, top-of-the-line large horizontal vacuum furnace. It applies all the superior TurboTreater technology to improve processing of larger dies, tools and parts with complex geometries. It’s equipped with features that make it efficient even for larger, heavier loads.

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