Is Gear Expo Worth It
Is Gear Expo Worth It?
If you read the press clippings (even our own), and listen to the comments of many of the major exhibitors, you'll hear that Gear Expo 2005 was a resounding success.
After all, many of the exhibitors told us they did extremely well.At times, the show seemed downright busy, particularly at the booths of some of the larger exhibitors. Sometimes, though, it just looked busy because the booth's sales reps often outnumbered the actual customers. For example, there were twice as many people from Gleason at the show as there were from all the divisions of General Motors, according to the show's registered attendee list.
Of course, everyone likes to put the best possible spin on things, especially when they've just finished spending thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars on the show--and believe me, that's what some of the exhibitors spend.
The sad truth is that just 1,400 people--other than the exhibitors--came to Gear Expo. According to official registration numbers, there were 2,500 people at the show, but 1,100 were exhibitors, and although the 30 or so gear manufacturers who exhibited are potential customers of the other 150 exhibitors, the fact remains that this is a small show. Despite what exhibitors are saying publicly, a fair number of them, both large and small, are grumbling. They're disappointed by the amount of energy and money they have to spend on a show that attracts so few.
So when I sit back and think about all the resources being spent on Gear Expo, coupled with how few of you actually go, I can't help but think that the money might be better spent elsewhere. Don't get me wrong--I've always been a champion of the show, and I still am. This year, our magazines spent a lot of time prepping you for the show. I used this space to encourage you to attend. I believe that Gear Expo provides the greatest collection of gear knowledge, experience and expertise anywhere in the world, all gathered in one building. I believe there's a lot to be gained by attending Gear Expo, whether you design gears, make them, process them, buy them or use them. But judging by your lack of attendance, most of you must feel otherwise.