March/April 2003

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Chinese Butterflies

Have you ever heard the story about the butterfly that flaps its wings in China and causes a hurricane in another part of the world? I've heard many variations of that story, but each illustrates the idea that even the tiniest change can produce enormous effects in the future.

Technical Articles

Determination and Optimization of the Contact Pattern of Worm Gears

The load capacity of worm gears is mainly influenced by the size and the position of the contact pattern.

Heat Treat Process and Material Selection for High Performance Gears

The selection of the heat treat process and the congruent material required for high performance gears can become very involved.

Design Robustness and it Effect on Transmission Error and Other Design Parameters

Transmission errors, axial shuttling forces and friction result in bearing forces that serve as the major excitations of gear noise. This paper will use these factors as well as gear stresses and tribological factors to assist in obtaining optimal gear designs.

Wear Resistance of Plasma and Pulse Plasma Nitrided Gears

In this study, wear behavior of plasma and pulse plasma nitrided gears, made from 42CrMo4 steel, was evaluated under a lubricated sliding and pitting regime.

Feature Articles

Fundamentals of Gears and Gear Manufacturing

Video Review for March/April 2003.



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Gear Museum Road Trip

What's the perfect vacation destination for a gear aficionado? Aspen? Too trendy. Miami? Too humid. For a true machinery enthusiast, the perfect vacation is a gear museum road trip.

Product News

Product News

Complete Product News for March/April 2003.

Industry News

Industry News

Complete Industry News for March/April 2003.


Technical Calendar

Complete Technical Calendar for March/April 2003.