Last issue, when I went over the results from our annual State of the Gear Industry survey, I was being too nice. Sure, there's still a lot of optimism about the business climate. Gear manufacturers are mostly busy. For
most, 2018 looks like it will be at least a little better than 2017. But there are dark clouds ahead, and they've been building for some time.
Induction hardening is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to thermochemical diffusion processes such as carburizing, and as it does so, manufacturers are on a never-ending quest to expand the scope of
what's possible with the technology.
REANY is software for the evaluation of
gears and splines that have been measured
completely on all teeth. It is suited
to both quality assessment and analyzing
the causes for deviations. REANY is
short for Reality Analysis.
New machining fluids for automotive, jaw boring rings, virtual machine simulation and coordinate measuring software are highlighted in the March/April 2018 issue of Gear Technology.