May 2018


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Annual Report

At most family reunions, everyone gets along, everyone puts on a good face, and everyone celebrates their togetherness. The AGMA annual convention held at the end of April was a lot like that.

Technical Articles

Prediction of Dynamic Factors for Helical Gears in a High-Speed Multibody Gearbox System

Accurate prediction of gear dynamic factors (also known as Kv factors) is necessary to be able to predict the fatigue life of gears. Standards-based calculations of gear dynamic factors have some limitations. In this paper we use a multibody dynamic model, with all 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) of a high-speed gearbox to calculate gear dynamic factors. The findings from this paper will help engineers to understand numerous factors that influence the prediction of dynamic factors and will help them to design more reliable gears.

Feature Articles

More Solutions, Greater Challenges

As coating technology improves to handle harsher conditions, cutting tool manufacturers are faced with new challenges during the resharpening process.

Broaching in the 21st Century

Back around 2005-2010, the most exciting things that were happening in broaching had little to do with broaching. What was happening - and continues to evolve today - was the emergence of on-the-edge CNC, software and servo drive technology. Together, they practically transformed a metalworking process as old as water into a viable, alternative consideration for producing high-volume part runs.

The Road to Reliability

Gear Industry Steps Up to Automation Challenges in Auto Industry. Automotive parts are always moving. They are zipping across conveyors, smashing into each other in bins and traveling across the production chain before ending up inside an automobile. For gears, this can be a somewhat precarious situation as they tend to run best when they're free from nicks, abrasions, cracks or other damages.

Ask the Expert

Calculated Gear Life Values

I have a query (regarding) calculated gear life values. I would like to understand for what % of gear failures the calculated life is valid? Is it 1-in-100 (1% failure, 99% reliability) or 1-in-one-thousand (0.1% failure)?


Little-Known Horologist Made Waves with His Revolutionary Chronometer

John Harrison (1693–1776) - a British clockmaker (and carpenter) whose extremely precise chronometer enabled seafarers to calculate longitude (also known as east-west axis) with a degree of accuracy that until then was unheard of.

Product News

Product News

Safe cutting tool clamping, superfinishing gear shafts, gearbox parts cleaning, gear deburring and more new gear-related products.

Industry News

Industry News

The complete industry news section from the May 2018 issue of Gear Technology.



The complete technical Calendar from the May 2018 issue of Gear Technology