May 2021


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Grinding it Out

My wife, Wendy, and I have been taking on a lot of DIY home improvement projects lately around the house.


Three Things Needed from Every Power Transmission Company

In our association, we might be suppliers, partners, customers or competitors, but in the end, we are one industry — and now is the time when we need to come together and move the industry forward.”

Technical Articles

Material Properties and Tooth Root Bending Strength of Shot Blasted, Case Carburized Gears with Alternative Microstructures

Selected results of research project concerning the above mentioned material properties and tooth root bending strength.

Psychoacoustics Applied to eDrive Noise Reduction

Physical effects that cause transmission noise.

Feature Articles

Making Room for Productivity and Quality Requirements in Gear Grinding

A look at how gear grinding comes with unique production challenges.

Driving Down Gear Noise in E-Mobility

Gleason Combi Honing system meets eDrive transmission standards.

Ask the Expert

Gear Noise Cause of a Different Stripe

“ It is very hard to find out any paper regarding ‘tiger stripes’ failure, created by electrical discharge current over the gear teeth.” I wish to have some more information on this issue + how it affects the vibration / noise signatures; why does it creates the tiger stripes profile; how deep are the pittings; why does it create the noise and the possibility of running a gear with this failure?”


Artwork with Gear Teeth

In Homewood AL, driving up to the Valley Hotel, you might think its 25-foot-tall sculpture is wooden, but it’s not. It’s metal.

Product News

Product News

Gear-related new technology from Liquidtool Manager, Marposs, EDM Intelligent Solutions, Helios Gear Products, Kapp Niles Metrology and more.

Industry News

Industry News

The latest news from DVS Technology Group, Gear Motions, Amorphology, Star Cutter and more.