June 2018


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Technical Articles

Predicting Life on Through Hardened Steel Rack and Pinion for Jacking Applications in the Offshore Industry

Designing and sizing a rack-and-pinion system, per AGMA and ISO gear calculation.

Human Machine Interface (HMI) in Gear Manufacturing

"Documentation is not a Substitute for an Intuitive Interface." The author explores the development of modern controls for a CNC gear grinding machine.

Standard Samples for Grinder Burn Etch Testing

A different method to produce a sample that has a very consistent amount of thermal damage.

Feature Articles

Cutting Down on Setup Time

With increasingly smaller returns from improving the speed of the actual gear grinding process, improving your setup time has become a primary way to keep improving efficiency. Here's the latest on how you can do that today.

Shake, Rattle and Roll

Software Providers Examine the Dynamic Behavior of Gear Noise.

Ask the Expert

Selecting the Right Tooth Thickness

A reader asks: We are currently revising our gear standards and tolerances, and a few problems with the new standard AGMA 2002-C16 have arisen. Firstly, the way to calculate the tooth thickness tolerance seems to need a "manufacturing profile shift coefficient" that isn't specified in the standard; neither is another standard referred to for this coefficient. This tolerance on tooth thickness is needed later to calculate the span width as well as the pin diameter. Furthermore, there seems to be no tolerancing on the major and minor diameters of a gear.


Setting a Hundred-Year Standard

Remembering Panhard and Levassor, the company that invented the first manual transmission.

Product News

Product News

New grinding machines, multi-tasking machines, gear software and tools for gear manufacturers.

Industry News

Industry News

The complete industry news section from the June 2018 issue of Gear Technology.