June 2020


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Navigating without a Road Map

Often in life we're forced to make decisions with too little information. Phone's dead and you don't have access to GPS? Lost the instructions for assembling that new gas grill? Don't have the recipe for your favorite dessert? “No problem," I often tell my wife or my kids, "I'll just use the Force."

Technical Articles

Quantitative Residual Stress Measurements for Improved Quality Control and Process Optimization in Gears and Additively Manufactured Components

In this article, the focus is put on one technology, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and more specifically, residual stress measurement by way of XRD for both process development and quality control.

Converting Revacycle to Coniflex

Mathematically precise tooth surface definition and contact analysis help to develop state-of-the-art straight bevel gears for many industrial applications. The new Coniflex-Plus manufacturing process utilizes high-speed dry cutting with production times per slot which are about twice compared to the fast Revacycle process.

Influence of the Contact Conditions in Cold Rolling on the Density Profile of Powder Metallurgical (PM) Gears

Due to production by pressing and sintering, PM gears are porous. Since pores reduce the loaded area and are also probable crack initiators, the porosity determines the strength of the PM component. PM gears can be densified to increase their local density and, therefore, the load-carrying capacity. PM gears are compacted locally since they are mainly loaded directly at the surface. A common process to densify PM gears locally is the cold rolling process. The contact conditions in the cold rolling process determine the density profile and, therefore, the material properties of the PM component. The influence of the contact conditions in cold rolling of PM gears on the resulting density profile is yet to be investigated.

Feature Articles

CMM for Gear Inspection

Gear inspection has long been a highly specialized costly investment and an overall challenging part of the gear manufacturing process. Given that complicated gages, testers, and CNC equipment all go into creating high quality gears, companies may want to invest in a CMM to streamline inspection.

Heat Treating News

Furnace Suppliers and Heat Treaters Remain Busy During Tough Times

Additive Manufacturing - An Update

Writing about additive manufacturing (AM) and the 3-D printing of gears is somewhat akin to publishing an updated dictionary. A new edition dictionary is literally already out of date before it hits Amazon's or your local bookseller's shelves. New words are coined and definitions are updated constantly. So it is with AM: The technology is evolving so quickly that technical papers and other sources of AM information require constant revision.

Ten Top Books for Gear Failure Analysis

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of proven books or standards dealing with failure analysis. Following you will find a short description of ten books or standards. At the end of the document you will find an overview and a detailed reference list.


The Death of the Cog

Clocks, Cars and Music on a Saturday Night.

Product News

Product News

The complete Product News section from the June 2020 issue of Gear Technology.

Industry News

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the June 2020 issue of Gear Technology.