July/August 2004

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Sweet Spot

When a baseball player hits the ball well, he can hear it and feel it in his swing. There’s nothing quite like the feel of driving the bat through the ball and watching the ball sail over the fence.

Technical Articles

Load Carrying Capacity of Screw Helical Gears with Steel Pinions and Plastic Wheels

There is an increasing significance of screw helical and worm gears that combine use of steel and plastics. This is shown by diverse and continuously rising use in the automotive and household appliance industries. The increasing requirements for such gears can be explained by the advantageous qualities of such a material combination in comparison with that of the traditional steel/bronze pairing.

A Winding Path into the Gear Industry: Falk Corp.

Glancing back now, The Falk Corp. looks to have had a straight path toward power transmission when it opened in 1892.

Influence of Coatings and Surface Improvements on the Lifetime of Gears

Surface coatings or finishing processes are the future technologies for improving the load carrying capacity of case hardened gears. With the help of basic tests, the influence of different coatings and finishing processes on efficiency and resistance to wear, scuffing, micropitting, and macropitting is examined.

Greener Gears

Companies around the world are learning to embrace the environment, and the gear industry is no exception. This special section takes a look at how some gear manufacturers are doing their part to conserve resources, preserve and protect the environment, and give back to the land. What we’ve found is that adopting environmental measures is far more than just good corporate citizenship. For many gear industry companies, good environmental practices also turn out to be good for the bottom line.

Feature Articles

IMTS is Coming to Chicago

Like many businesses in this economic cycle, the IMTS marketing team is forced to look for clever ways to make a profit.

Showstoppers (advertising section)

This special advertising section features some of the premier gear-related exhibitors at IMTS 2004.

IMTS 2004 Sneak Preview

There’s a bustle of activity as exhibitors prepare for America’s most significant manufacturing trade show. The red carpets are ready, the lights are being tested, and the crowds are gathering with anticipation. Amid the excitement, Gear Technology has managed to sneak under the usher’s ropes to provide you with this advance look at some of the gear-related products and technologies that will be featured at IMTS 2004.


This Room's a Mesh!

It’s not likely to be found in any of this summer’s catalogues, but the gear bed from The Rusted Lava Art Shop could lead to sweet dreams.

Product News

Product News

The complete Product News section from the July/August 2004 issue of Gear Technology.

Industry News

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the July/August 2004 issue of Gear Technology.


Technical Calendar

Calendar of events from the July/August 2004 issue of Gear Technology.