July/August 2005

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Face to Face in the Gear Industry

Observations on the Olympics, Tony Blair and Gear Expo.

Technical Articles

Gear Expo 2005

Preview of Gear Expo, with information on AGMA's fall technical meeting and the city of Detroit.

The Outlook for Gear Manufacturing - A European Perspective

Hagen Hofmann of Hoefler presents his views on global trade, competition and the future of the gear industry.

Systematic Investigations on the Influence of Case Depth on the Pitting and Bending Strength of Case Carburized Gears

The gear designer needs to know how to determine an appropriate case depth for a gear application in order to guarantee the required load capacity.

Advances from Aachen - WZL and GRC Contribute to Gear Manufacturing

Aachen has long been the center of European gear research.

Feature Articles

Opportunities for Gear Grinders - Insights from the Machinery Front

Tom Lang of Kapp Technologies shares his views on the trends affecting ground gears.

Superfinishing Gears - The State of the Art, Part II

In a previous article, the authors identified two misconceptions surrounding gear superfinishing. Here, they tackle three more.

A Study on Reducing Gear Tooth Profile Error by Finish Roll Forming

The authors have developed a rack-type rolling process in which a rack tool is used to roll gear teeth. The results and analysis show that the proposed method reduces errors.


The Gear Mix

A word puzzle from the Addendum team.

Product News

Product News

The complete Product News from July/August 2005.

Industry News

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from July/August 2005.



The complete Events section from July/August 2005, including coverage of EMO 2005.