July 2021


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Where Are We Going

The past year has been quite a wild ride for the world, and that includes the manufacturing economy. When COVID hit, every industry took its share of lumps. But for some time now, manufacturing industries have been charging forward.


Building Connections at MPT Expo

Building Connections at MPT Expo.

Technical Articles

Potentials for Process Monitoring in Bevel Gear Grinding

Since the macro geometry of bevel gears is directly dependent on the manufacturing process, there are limitations in the combination of pre-machining and hard finishing processes which are related to the geometry of the gaps.

Psychoacoustics Applied to eDrive Noise Reduction

Physical effects causing transmission noise.

Single Tooth Bending Fatigue Testing at any R Ratio

Evaluation of the bending fatigue performance (stress to life relationship) of different gear materials subject to various manufacturing processes and why subsequent post processing treatments are of significance to gear and transmission designers.

Feature Articles

Teaming Up to Solve Bevel Gear Grinding Application Challenges

Norton | Saint-Gobain Abrasives and Gleason Works Collaborate to Achieve a High Performance Gear Grinding Solution

Current and Future Gearmaking Challenges in Workholding

Quick-change capability and high clamping forces deliver both flexibility and strength.

Increasing Energy Efficiency through Improved Gear Surfaces in e-Mobility

With e-Mobility, there are constantly increasing demands on service life.

Heat Treat 2021

The bridge between research and industry in heat treatment.

Meet Me in St. Louis

The Gear Industry — and companies from the entire power transmission supply chain — will gather in-person at Motion + Power Technology Expo 2021


Are You Ready for Your Next In-Person Meeting?

Business travel is back, and if you’re serious about impressing your customers, colleagues and co-workers, then you need to look the part.

Product News

Product News

Gear-related new technology from Norton Quantum Prime Grain, Danobat, Big Kaiser, Heidenhain and more.

Industry News

Industry News

The latest news from Krebs & Riedel, Martin Kapp, QuesTek and more.