When you to to IMTS, you expect to see hoopla. The mass of machines and bodies gathered in one place should create an unmistakable level of energy and enthusiasm. IMTS 2000 seemed uncharacteristically quiet...
Bridge cranes are among the most useful machines in many branches of modern industry. Using standard hooks or other specialized clamping devices, they can lift, transport, discharge, and stack a variety of loads.
The goal of gear drive design is to transit power and motion with constant angular velocity. Current trends in gear drive design require greater load carrying capacity and increased service life in smaller, quieter, more efficient gearboxes. Generally, these goals are met by specifying more accurate gears. This, combined with the availability of user-friendly CNC gear grinding equipment, has increased the use of ground gears.
In a modern truck, the gear teeth are among the most stressed parts. Failure of a tooth will damage the transmission severely. Throughout the years, gear design experience has been gained and collected into standards such as DIN (Ref. 1) or AGMA (Ref. 2). Traditionally two types of failures are considered in gear design: tooth root bending fatigue, and contact fatigue. The demands for lighter and more silent transmissions have given birth to new failure types. One novel failure type, Tooth Interior Fatigue Fracture (TIFF), has previously been described by MackAldener and Olsson (Refs. 3 & 4) and is further explored in this paper.
Dear Editor,
I am writing this in response to some articles appearing in your journal, but I want to take the opportunity, also, to express my thanks for all the good work your publication is doing. I always look forward to your next issue being in my mail slot. I know I will find timely technical articles relevant to our manufacturing situation here at Amarillo Gear Co., as well as thought provoking commentary on events and trends affecting our business. The Publisher's Page is always worth the reading.
Welcome to Revolutions, the column that brings you the latest, most up-to-date and easy-to-read information about the people and technology of the gear industry.