Keep Those Letters Coming
In the past, we have often asked readers to let us know what they were thinking. We’ve requested your input and feedback on a number of topics over the years. But this past issue, we must have struck a nerve.
About a dozen of you wrote in with reactions to my editorial, "Is Gear Expo Worth It?" which appeared in the November/December 2005 issue. Some of those letters appear on the pages following this one.
I was glad to see some of the leaders of AGMA and exhibitors write in support of the show. They, like me, see a lot of value in the show for our industry. But I was also glad to hear from a number of leaders at major gear manufacturing companies. These are the very people who should be the attendees of Gear Expo, and they have concerns, like I do. I expect that some of their comments should provide food for thought for the AGMA leadership.
I imagine there are many more of you out there who had strong feelings on this subject but didn't respond. I'd still like to hear from you. The people who manage Gear Expo need to hear what you have to say. If you attend the show, why is it valuable to you and your company? If you don’t, why not? What can the show’s managers do or offer that might interest you in the future? What could be done better? Would a different city or time of year be more suitable?
For nearly 22 years, Gear Technology has served the gear industry, and we are here to provide a forum for you. We’ll continue to provide a place for the exchange of ideas, but we need your participation. So keep sending those cards and letters--not just on Gear Expo, but on any subject that concerns you.
For example, I’d love to hear your comments and reactions to this issue’s feature topic: "Gear Manufacturing on the Other Side of the World." I’m sure many of you have relevant experiences to share, as well as opinions or perspectives about the increasingly global nature of our industry. All of us will benefit from sharing that knowledge and insight.
A forum only works if there’s participation from its members. In our case, that’s you, our readers. Your reactions to last issue’s editorial are a good start. Continuing the discussion on Gear Expo is in the best interests of the show and our industry. As always, we’ll do our best to provide you with thoughtful, interesting and relevant articles that should give you something to react to. The rest is up to you.
Send your Comments To:
Letters to the Editor
Gear Technology
P.O.Box 1426
1425 Lunt Ave.
Elk Grove Village,IL 60007 USA or