Kennametal Offers Two Solutions for Roughing and Fine Finishing
Kennametal is expanding the Mill 16 platform by introducing new cutter body styles, new insert geometries and grades, and a split case design for large diameter bodies that reduces spindle bearing loads.
With these new additions the portfolio will fit any cast iron face milling applications. From fine pitch wedge style cutters for highest productivity and very powerful machines to medium and coarse pitches screw-on cutters where horsepower is limited (the machining of small components to very large components).
The Mill 16’s new split case design meets truly massive machining needs, with wedge-style cutter bodies ranging from 300 to 500 mm (12 to 20 in.) in diameter. And for those worried about hanging such humungous cutters off their machine spindles, there’s good news: the largest split case Mill 16 cutter body weighs only 20.4 kg (48.45 lb.), roughly one-third that of competing designs, but still able to rotate at up to 2,800 rpm.
All cutters use the same innovative, multi edged design insert. An insert with 16 cutting edges that provides lowest cost per cutting edge.
The super positive KCFM – Kennametal Cast Iron Finishing Milling - with the new KBK50 full top PCBN (polycrystalline cubic boron nitride) grade was developed to produce much more parts per edge in a reliable and consistent manner, so the cost per component will decrease.
And keep in mind machining time reduces drastically since PCBN can be applied with 3 times higher cutting speeds compared to carbide inserts.
Combining the semi finishing KY3500 silicon nitrate ceramic with KBK50 finishing wiper inserts is also a very productive and cost effective solution for customers that don’t want to have a full load PCBN inserts in the cutter.
PCBN and ceramic grades are perfect for mass production and stable conditions. But in many cases there is also the need for fine finishing on rather unstable conditions, such as weak workpiece clamping, limited spindle speed, long overhang, or when tooling cost is the primary consideration.
The answer to that the carbide grade KC514M. A TiAlN PVD coating that is both tough and wear resistant. Designed for light to medium machining, KC514M can be applied with or without cutting fluids.