KISSsoft and Geartech Jointly Develop New Software Program
KISSsoft AG and GEARTECH Software are pleased to announce the introduction of a new and updated version of GEARCALC, a gear design program originally released in 1986.
GEARTECH Software has been providing rating programs for spur and helical gears since the 1984 release of AGMA218, the first commercial product to comply with the AGMA standard of the same name. Using techniques introduced by GEARTECH founder Robert Errichello, this program was later updated to include analyses of wear and scuffing probabilities (SCORING+ in 1985) and preliminary sizing routines (GEARCALC in 1986) into one seamless package.
GEARCALC requires a minimal input data and prompts the user to input the application, load, material, and heat treatment data for a gearset.
GEARCALC designs maximum-capacity gearsets that have minimum volume and weight. Profile shift coefficients can be selected to maximize pitting and wear resistance, scuffing resistance or bending strength.
AGMA 2001, which replaces AGMA218, rates gears exactly as intended by the American Gear Manufacturers Association Standards:
"ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04 and ANSI/AGMA 2101-D04, “AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD, Fundamental Rating Factors and Calculation Methods for Involute Spur and Helical Gear Teeth.”