KISSsoft Offers New Evaluations in Contact Analysis
The contact analysis is used for further noise and strength optimization. Based on the determination of tooth stiffness according to Weber/Banaschek, the local contact is calculated considering the tooth bending. The shaft deformations and tooth corrections are also included, which allows a realistic analysis of the tooth meshing. In addition to the stress distribution and transmission error, the results also include a local lubrication gap, local wear and many other criteria.In the calculation of the face load factor of the KISSsoft Release 03/2016, the mounting deviations can be split into proportional and constant components. Consequently, the diagrams of bending under load are more accurate, for example, if a constant displacement of bearing due to the housing tolerances is taken into account. Furthermore, a graphic has been added to the Modifications sizing function. This graphic makes it possible to perform the evaluation with three parameters, to produce a quick and transparent summary of profile/tooth trace modifications.