
October 31, 2012

Design Profile Product News Industry News

KISSsoft Offers Profiles for Worm Wheel

In the KISSsoft Release 03/2012, the profiles for worms with enveloping worm wheel were enhanced. The 3-D models for the profile types N, K and C are also available now (module ZD10). The geometry shapes are determined as defined in the Draft of ISO/DTR 10828.2. This technical report contains the definition of several – in the industry commonly applied – profile types A, I, N, K, and C (Cavex). Furthermore, with the graphical contact analysis the contact situation can be verified and optimized using tool modifications. Have a look at KISSsoft's tutorial 16 about the worm gear calculation or ask the company for the specific tutorial for 3-D modelling with graphical contact analysis.

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