
June 24, 2016

Product News Industry News

KISSsoft Offers Rapid 3D Modeling in KISSsys

Modeling in KISSsys has been simplified in the latest KISSsoft Release 03/2016: Now, for example, when elements are added, the part geometries are prefilled with default values. At the same time, the shafts are positioned intelligently, to suit the gearing types involved, such as cylindrical gear pair, bevel gear or planetary stage. The user can now see the modeling progress immediately in the 3D view. Another new feature is the option of adding assemblies (such as planetary stages) to a model, and also adding shafts, if required. Free demos on 3D modeling are available July 14. This covers how to take load spectra into account, and how to calculate system properties. Would you like to find out more about KISSsys functionalities for quickly sizing entire drivetrains? Training courses (held in English) e.g. Basic Training, which runs from August 30 to September 1, and Planetary Stage Gearboxes, which runs from December 6-7, are the ideal opportunities to attend and learn from Kisssoft software experts. 

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