KISSsoft Software Introduces Options for Sizing Shaft Dimensions
When defining dimensions for shafts, KISSsoft's software now provides options for sizing shaft dimensions with regard to strength, and for sizing the rolling bearings with regard to bearing service life. This really cuts down the time needed to design a gear unit. Here, you can specify which priorities are to apply during sizing.
The unbalance response can now be calculated on the basis of an eccentric mass when you're calculating the shaft's vibration. This calculation returns values for the resonating frequencies and the shaft's displacement, along with values for the additional forces to which the bearing is subjected because of the imbalance. To help perform a realistic calculation of vibration, you can now enter the damping values individually.
KISSsoft is also running an introductory training course about how to calculate gears, shaft and bearings, and gear units using GPK. It runs August 29 to 31, 2017. Sign up now!