KISSsoft Software Tested at TC60/WG15 Meeting
A recent meeting of the workgroup TC60/WG15 took place considering the ISO Technical Report ISO TR 15144-the calculation of risk regarding micropitting, method A and B. The main topic was the application of calculation examples. The meeting revealed that KISSsoft is the first commercially available software, which includes the risk calculation for micropitting according to the more precise method A (module ZA32). The simplified calculation according to method B will be available in the next KISSsoft release (module ZPK). The meeting also provided the occasion for a good test of the software: The calculation, presented by the Technical University of Munich, was recalculated with KISSsoft according to method A. The calculation resulted in an exact match. Although the Technical Report 15144 is not published yet, this risk analysis of micropitting is already required of first certification bodies-especially in the wind gear manufacturing sector.