
July 13, 2011

Product News Industry News

KISSsoft Updates Features in the Contact Analysis

In the contact analysis of KISSsoft, the effects of shaft deformations may now be precisely evaluated (module ZA30). The results of shaft calculations can also be directly imported to the contact analysis. Bending and torsion of shafts are furthermore calculated load-dependent and considered in the tooth contact. In the KISSsys calculation, the shaft classification is done automatically.

Additionally, the face load factor KHβ is calculated according to ISO 6336-1, Annex E. Another new feature is to combine the profile and lead correction factor within defined areas. Thus all variants are automatically analyzed in respect of the load distribution, transmission error, safety against micropitting, wear and flash temperature, and the stress curve (module ZA33). The pressure curve and root stresses are currently shown on the flank of the gears as well, allowing a direct comparison with the contact pattern on the gear during the assembly, operating process and test rig. All these features constitute a huge improvement of the gear calculation under load for planetary gears and cylindrical gear pairs.

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