
May 3, 2021

Industry News

Klingelnberg Offers Wind Energy WebSeminar Series

Wind energy (or wind power) has been used since ancient times. In the past, windmills used the wind to grind grain into flour. Today, modern wind power plants primarily generate electrical power. Klingelnberg has taken a deep dive into the theme of renewable energies and is once again offering an exclusive WebSeminar series. This time around, participants can also look forward to a guest lecture by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Fischedick, scientific managing director of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. 

Wind power plants make use of a wide range of gear transmissions for various tasks: semi-rotary drives for adjusting the machine housing, drives for adjusting the rotor blades, and transmissions for adapting the rotor speed to the generator speed. To manufacture this variety of gears with maximum productivity, the market requires machines that can get the most out of the potential that modern gear designs and production-ready processes offer. This is where Klingelnberg comes in, offering a wide range of solutions for the wind power industry. Customers will learn more about this exciting topic in the new online themed series on “Wind power”, beginning on May 28, 2021. 

“There has been tremendous interest in our WebSeminar series. That is why we are now offering a new themed series for the wind power industry, following our first successful series on electromobility, which took place from early February to mid-March. We will be highlighting outlooks and trends in renewable energy, but that's not all. We will also be explaining concepts and developments and presenting solutions in specific terms,” said Dr. Hartmuth Müller, head of technology and innovation at Klingelnberg.

“We are delighted to have brought Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Fischedick on board – an outstanding expert in the field of renewable energy,” Dr. Müller added. On May 28, 2021, Prof. Fischedick will give a presentation on the future significance of renewable energy – worldwide and at the German national level – from the perspective of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He will also highlight the still quite recent World Energy Outlook for the global perspective, as well as the role of renewable energy at the German national level using a scenario-based approach. The Wuppertal Institute sees itself as a leading international think tank for sustainability research focused on impacts and practical application. The organization's activities are centered on developing transformation processes aimed at shaping a climatefriendly and resource-efficient world. For more information, please visit https://wupperinst.org/en/.

Dates and registration
The new WebSeminar series on wind energy will be presented in German and English beginning on May 28, 2021, and continuing every Wednesday thereafter (June 2, June 9, June 16, June 23, 2021). Registration is easy and free-of-charge at the website below. 

“We are extremely pleased with the positive feedback from our customers. It only makes sense, therefore, to continue offering our online seminars,” said Dr. Christof Gorgels, director of product line precision measuring centers.
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