Koepfer America Expands with New Application Engineer
Koepfer America has added Joshua Eggebrecht, application engineer. His primary responsibilities will be the support of hob and fixture sales as well as Koepfer America’s hob sharpening program. Eggebrecht’s addition to the Koepfer America engineering support team will enhance customer service as well as the company’s ability to design fixtures and other machine-related items in-house. Dennis Gimpert, president of Koepfer America, said of Eggebrecht’s hiring, “We look forward to Mr. Eggebrecht’s continued support for the Koepfer America engineering team. His enthusiasm and unique skills have already made a positive impact on our services and clients.”
Before joining Koepfer America, Eggebrecht completed his Bachelor of Science degree by designing a project to incorporate advanced dispatching systems into a virtual suburban fire department. With this type of pragmatic problem solving, he adds a strong skillset to Koepfer America’s workforce. “I am excited about my position here at Koepfer America and look forward to providing both unique and routine solutions to our customers’ hobbing and fixturing needs,” said Eggebrecht.