Liebherr Achieves Highest Turnover in its History
World economic development was weaker in 2012 than in the previous year. Although growth was still 3.2 percent, the emerging markets’ rates of growth declined as well. The industrial nations continued to pursue a course between consolidation and economic stabilization. Within the Eurozone only a few countries achieved economic growth. The volume of world trade increased by 2.1 percent.
The 2012 business year progressed well for the Liebherr Group. Although the reduced dynamism of the world economy had a noticeable effect on orders received in the final months of the year, this no longer influenced turnover significantly. The Group increased its total turnover in the past business year by more than 760 million € (more than nine percent) to 9.1 billion €.
In the construction machinery and mining equipment product areas, Liebherr increased its sales revenue by almost 490 million € or nine percent. Total sales revenue from these areas was approximately 5,870 million €. As in the previous year, this represented about two-thirds of the Group’s total turnover.
There was an above-average rise in turnover from the mining division, by almost 280 million € or 28 percent. This was a slight increase on the previous year’s rate of growth. Total sales revenue was 1,290 million €. Whereas turnover from the mobile cranes division fell last year, it has now also grown at an above-average rate, by more than 200 million € or 12 % to a total figure in excess of 1,940 million €.
In the earthmoving, tower cranes and concrete technology divisions, sales revenue remained at approximately the same level as in the previous year. Sales of earthmoving equipment brought Liebherr a turnover of approximately 2,060 million €. The tower cranes and concrete technology division generated a turnover of some 580 million €.
In areas outside construction machinery and mining equipment, the Liebherr Group achieved a total turnover of 3,220 million €, equivalent to an increase of about 280 million € or nine percent. There was growth in all the relevant divisions, namely in the maritime cranes, aerospace and transportation systems, machine tools and automation systems areas and in domestic appliances.
The maritime cranes division recorded growth of more than 20 million € or three percent to a total turnover of approximately 830 million €. The increase in turnover from the aerospace and transportation systems division was above average: compared with 2011 it rose by almost 120 million € or 13 percent, and reached approximately 1,030 million €. Progress in the machine tools and automation systems area was particularly satisfactory: turnover reached almost 260 million €, more than 70 million € or 39 percent higher than in the previous year. Turnover from the domestic appliances division totalled some 890 million € and was therefore 45 million € or 5 % higher than in the previous year. Growth was also achieved in the Group’s other product and service areas, where turnover went up by almost 20 million € or nine percent to more than 210 million €.
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