
November 9, 2007

Industry News

Like Father, Like Son at Deritend

Deritend Industries recently announced the appointment of Mark Brady as operations director at RMB Engineering.  Brady will be taking over for his father, Ray, who is stepping down to take a position on the board of directors. Mark Brady has learned the business from the grass roots and has many years’ experience meeting the 24/7 supply demand in industries like quarrying, mining, power generation and water and steel.


“It is a really exciting time to be taking over,” says Mark Brady. “My task will be to drive operational improvements at all levels to ensure we maintain the lead we have over our competitors. Many companies advertise themselves as providing 24/7 service, but few actually provide it.”


RMB Engineering is an industrial gearbox supply and repair organization in the U.K. They recently integrated the company into Deritend Industries, where it has more facility space for future expansion. 

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