MAG Industrial Automation Systems Receives American Axle Supplier Award
The Powertrain Technologies Group of MAG Industrial Automation Systems of Sterling Heights, Michigan, has received a
Supplier Recognition Award by global driveline and chassis system producer American Axle & Manufacturing (AAM).
The award was made on June 14th, 2006 by Yogendra Rahangdale, President and COO, AAM.
MAG-IAS Powertrain Technologies has designed, built and/or retooled major machining systems for differential carriers that have produced
major gains in capital equipment utilization and OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) levels for AAM. Ex-Cell-O (part of the PowertrainTechnologies Group) has also made advances in the introduction of MQL (minimum quantity lubrication) machining technology
at AAM.
"Industry globalization and consolidation is a stark and continuing reality. In response to this continual, intense competition, our
Ex-Cell-O team has focused on technology, speed, flexibility and service," said Steve Arksey, President, Powertrain Technologies North
America, during his acceptance speech.
"We're very proud to be recognized for these efforts by one of today's true success stories
among automotive Tier One suppliers."
MAG Industrial Automation Systems was one of four AAM suppliers that received Supplier Recognition Awards for 2006.