
August 27, 2015

Industry News

Mahr Acquires Engineering Synthesis Design Inc.

The Mahr Group recently acquired Engineering Synthesis Design Inc. (ESDI), headquartered (Tucson, AZ). 

Over the past two years, Mahr has completed product developments of the MarSurf WM 100, MarSurf LD130/ 260 Aspheric and MarForm MFU 200 Aspheric 3D solutions for measuring contour and roughness parameters on aspheres and freeform optics. Furthermore, a prototype of the Tilted-Wave-Interferometer MarSurf TWI 60 was presented to the market. The MarSurf TWI 60 was one of the three finalists of SPIE's (International Society for Optics and Photonics) 2015 PRISM Awards, and winner of the German AMA (Association for Sensors and Measurement) 2014 Innovation award.

The Mahr Group has now broadened its technology base by adding the leading-edge surface and wavefront metrology from ESDI. According to Mahr, ESDI – with its Dimetior and Intellium product series – complements the Mahr product portfolio. 

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