Manufacturing Summer Camps Entice America's Youth
Nuts, Bolts and Thingamajigs (NBT) and the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE) have partnered together to launch a unique summer camp program that combines elements of manufacturing and entrepreneurship-how things are made and how businesses develop. The schools have hosted a 2010 camp as part of a pilot program that will eventually develop into a national program with as many as 300 locations across the United States.
Campers design and build a product experiencing the start to finish satisfaction of creating something they can show off with pride. Throughout the process, they learn how to do CAD design and operate various kinds of manufacturing machinery under the close supervision of expert manufacturing trainers.
They will also tour local manufacturing facilities learning what kinds of jobs exist, what skills and training are required, and how those businesses developed. They will have the opportunity to hear directly from local manufacturing company owners how they started their businesses, applying basic entrepreneurship principles to understand how a single product idea becomes a business.
Whether a young person aspires to work in manufacturing or medicine or law or any other field, having a basic understanding of how things are made and how businesses develop will make them more appreciative of the world around them and the "tools" they will use in their adult life.
Each camp is unique in its own way and addresses local needs. All are aimed at ensuring the future of manufacturing by changing the image of manufacturing for today's youth. For more information on these camps or to make a contribution in honor of one of the camps, call 888-394-4362.