Manufacturing Tech Orders Total $506.89 Million in December
December U.S. manufacturing technology orders totaled $506.89 million according to The Association For Manufacturing Technology (AMT).
This total, as reported by companies participating in the USMTO program, was up 32.7% from November and up 4.7% when compared with the total of $484.08 million reported for December 2013. With a year-to-date total of $5,079.05 million, 2014 was up 3.1% compared with 2013.
“The momentum we saw in manufacturing toward the end of 2014 is fueling optimism for 2015, with many major manufacturers saying they plan to hire more and invest more throughout the coming months,” said AMT President Douglas K. Woods. “The 3.1% gain in orders for the year was in line with our yearly forecast. While there are reasons for caution – a rising dollar, falling oil prices, and a shortage of skilled workers – overall we feel that the U.S. economy will continue to improve its fortunes through the first half of 2015 and manufacturing will see a measure of restrained growth.”