“We have hired a full-time sales and service team for the Chinese market, and have translated all of our documentation necessary to support the sales and service function into the Chinese language,” he says. “We are finding that working with U.S. transplants in China is going to be a strong point for us with the language capabilities that we have developed.” He adds that the company is considering opening a facility there to manufacture and assemble components for the Chinese market. As with Gleason Corp., that investment will probably be in the form of a joint venture with companies that will work with PECo to everyone’s mutual benefit.
In the beginning. Gleason and PECo were just two American companies exhibiting at CIMT under the aegis of the Association for Manufacturing and Technology (AMT). If Marco Polo receives credit as China’s first Western agent of economic development, the AMT is certainly its Lewis & Clark. With its first trade mission to China in 1975, the AMT has over the years succeeded in helping to expand American companies’ presence. That success continues today as the AMT/USA Pavilion at CIMT 2007 was completely sold out, represented by more than 60 U.S. companies.
“The China market is growing rapidly and is very attractive to U.S. builders,” says AMT president John B. Byrd III. “The USA Pavilion is just one of several AMT initiatives to help our members serve the China market.” The AMT also has a USA Technology and Service Center in the Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone in Shanghai, along with three representative offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
And the American companies that today are assiduously putting down roots in China’s and other Asian markets’ rich economic soil are poised to be the sure winners as the manufacturing miracle continues to take shape and pay dividends. And companies like Gleason and PECo are more than willing partners in helping to make that happen.
“As the quality of gears made by Chinese manufacturers improves through better metrology, I believe you will see more ‘high-volume loose gearing’ product shipping to all parts of the world,” says PECo’s Slone. “Communication between technical personnel in the various trading countries will be the key in maintaining a quality product that meets each individual market’s demand.”
For Gleason’s Finegan, China is doing all the right things in developing the groundwork for a vibrant industrial base.
“China is developing and acquiring the necessary technologies to achieve its goals, and this extends from motor vehicles to appliances, industrial machinery, and to many other products, including gears.
“It is only natural that in developing capabilities to satisfy their domestic demands for gears, China has the potential to become a significant player in the global market as well.”
(Editor’s note: For a complete listing of CIMT exhibitors, please go to http:// www.cimtshow.com. For a complete listing of AMT/USA Pavilion exhibitors, please go to www.mfgtech.org)
For more information:
The Association for American Technology (AMT)
7901 Westpark Drive
McLean, VA 22102-4206
Phone: (703) 893-2900; (800) 524-0475
Fax: (703) 893-1151
E-mail: AMT@AMTonline.org
Website: www.mfgtech.org
Gleason Corp.
1000 University Avenue
P.O. Box 22970
Rochester, NY 14692-2970
Phone: (585) 473-1000
Fax: (585) 461-4348
E-mail: sales@gleason.com
Website: www.gleason.com
Process Equipment Co.
6555 South State Route 202
Tipp City, OH 45371
Phone: (800) 998-4191; (937) 667-7105
Fax: (937) 667-9322
E-mail: pdgsales@processeq.com
Website: www.gearinspection.com