
April 11, 2016

Industry News

Martin Sprocket & Gear Compiles Gear Drive Troubleshooting Tips

Martin Sprocket & Gear, Inc. has compiled some quick troubleshooting tips with some common causes and solutions for gear drive problems associated with power transmission and material handling equipment. Assessing and evaluating gear teeth wear or breakage is very important in determining causes for excess wear or premature gear failure. Oftentimes wear can be detected in the preliminary stages so the problem can be corrected, adding many hours of life to gears. Careful and periodic inspection of gears, particularly in connection with large gear drive units, is an important part of gear maintenance. To ensure the life of your gear, lubricate frequently and set a schedule to inspect gears for wear or misalignment 24 hours after installation, at 100 hours, at 500 hours, and annually thereafter. After 24 hours of run time check teeth wear pattern for uniformity and adjust alignment as needed. For complete coverage of Martin's Gear Drive Troubleshooting Tips, visit the website below. 


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