
March 2, 2016

Heat Treating Materials Rolled Rings Industry News

McInnes Rolled Rings Completes Heat Treat Expansion

McInnes Rolled Rings has completed an $8 million, 25,000-square-foot expansion to its current manufacturing facility. The addition expands its present heat treat size capabilities by providing the ability to quench and temper forgings up to 144 inches in diameter. With separate high agitation water and polymer quench tanks, this new state-of-the-art bay will significantly expand the daily tonnage capacity to ensure the fastest delivery times available in the industry.

McInnes contracted with Can-Eng Furnaces Intl. Ltd. to design and install the most advanced technology to process large diameter products. The furnace and quench tank designs are augmented by a customized material handling system by Dango and Dienthal Hollerbach GmbH capable of processing loads up to 25 tons. The system’s fast transfer from furnace to quench tank provides optimal and repeatable process controls. 

“This new bay nearly doubles our quenched and tempered offerings to the power transmission industry and adds the ability to solution anneal large diameter stainless steel rings. Also, the addition of water quenching improves our ability to meet the high property demands of the custom flange markets,” said Shawn O’Brien, vice president, sales and marketing. The expanded heat treat operation officially began service on March 1, 2016.  


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