
November 1, 2021

Manufacturing Processes Injection Molding Industry News

Metal Injection Molding Conference Registration Now Open

Registration has opened for MIM2022: International Conference on Injection Molding of Metals, Ceramics and Carbides. MIM2022 is a global conference and tabletop exhibition highlighting advances in the metal injection molding (MIM) industry, with two days of technical sessions focusing on the latest innovations in metal injection molding.

The conference will take place in West Palm Beach, Florida, at the West Palm Beach Marriott, February 21–23, 2022.

Innovation is responsible for the rapid growth of the powder injection molding industry (metal injection molding, ceramic injection molding, and cemented carbide injection molding), an over $2 billion advanced manufacturing industry. This conference will provide a venue for the latest technology transfer.

Conference Highlights include a Powder Injection Molding Tutorial, two days of technical sessions, and a tabletop exhibition and networking reception.

“The metal injection molding industry is an innovative and highly competitive marketplace,” explains Paul Sedor, vice president, member and industry relations, Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF). “The annual MIM conference provides an optimal venue for gaining industry insight and learning about
the latest technology.”
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