2010 Metal Powder Testing and Bearings Standards Released
The 2010 editions of Standard Test Methods for Metal Powders and Powder Metallurgy (PM) Products, and Standard 35, Materials Standards for PM Self-Lubricating Bearings have been issued by the Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF).
The 130-page standard on test methods contains 39 individual standards on terminology and recommended methods for testing metal powders, PM parts, metal injection molded (MIM) parts, metallic filters and PM equipment. In addition to a new standard on Sample Preparation for the Determination of the Total Carbon Content of PM Materials (excluding cemented carbides), the new edition features revisions on 10 standards.
The 28-page Standard 35 on PM self-lubricating bearings has a new material section on diffusion-alloyed iron-bronze bearings, new information on oil impregnation efficiency, revised information for bronze bearings and data table modifications.
Both editions cross reference comparable ASTM and ISO standards.
The test method standard is available from MPIF in soft-cover, electronic or CD formats at $75 per copy. The bearings standard is also available in these three formats at $35 per copy. For ordering information contact the MPIF publications department.