Micro Precision Focuses on Nadcap Accreditation
When it comes to industrial quality procedures, aerospace is one of the most demanding industries to do business with. Every component must be checked, tested and logged to an incredible level of detail and, just as importantly, all processes, procedures and standards are documented to ensure traceability to a depth many engineers would find baffling. As a result of these quality demands, the vast majority of precision aerospace components are made in house. Those that aren't, and there aren't many, are manufactured by companies prepared to have their products, processes and procedures regularly run through with a fine-tooth comb.
One of the key quality standards for the aerospace industry is Nadcap, managed by PRI, a non-profit organization set up to address the development of performance standards and the administration of quality assurance, accreditation and certification programs. Nadcap is described by PRI as "an international, independent manufacturing process and product assessment and certification service for the purpose of adding value, reducing total cost and facilitating relationships between subscribers and suppliers".
In short, it manages a set of common standards set by various bodies in the aerospace industry and then ensures that those certified comply fully with their requirements. Going far and beyond most company's in-house quality procedures, Nadcap adds another level of detail to what is already an exacting science. Nadcap accreditation is not impossible; it just takes a certain mindset and work ethic that can see the positives in terms of reputation, self improvement, orders and, of course, the bottom line.
Hemel-Hempstead based Micro Precision is one company that has taken the plunge and has successfully operated two Nadcap approved processes for the last few years at its 20,000 square foot production and testing facility. The company has held Nadcap accreditation for chemical processing (Nital Etch inspection) since 2004 and NDT (magnetic particle and liquid penetrant testing) since 2006.
Micro Precision supplies a number of leading aerospace OEMs and Tier One suppliers with a selection of components, including motor cores for aerospace pumps and generators and geared components for multiple applications throughout the airframe. Using its Nadcap accredited facilities, it is able deliver its customers with a level of confidence that they would normally only see by manufacturing these components in-house.
So, why did Micro Precision seek Nadcap accreditation? Peter Skelton, general manager explains: "We actually handle a fairly significant amount of aerospace work and the post manufacturing testing of these components is vital. We used to have to sub the testing out, which lead to inevitable lead time issues and a heavy reliance on third parties. Therefore the decision was made to get our own accreditation as we realised that there would not only be time benefits, but it would also allow us to manage costs more effectively.