
February 13, 2019

Product News Industry News

Mitutoyo Releases MeasurLink 9

Mitutoyo America Corporation is pleased to announce the release of MeasurLink 9, the latest version of Mitutoyo’s real-time statistical process control and data collection software. 

Updates on the MeasurLink 9 release include:
•Supports Windows users and allows single sign-on ideal for teams, groups and  companies
•Run hypothetical “what-if” scenarios in Process Analyzer
•Displays dynamic data from a data source in high sampling rates
•Uncertainty Chart provides a visual representation of how the gage performance affects measurement
•Copy/paste Gage R&R Data
•Improved Gage Management by importing information from an external source
•Automatically identify characteristics during data collection based on tolerancing
•Better traceability to ensure proper data recording for serial numbers
•Ability to import calibration data in Gage Management

Find more details at the website below. 

MeasurLink is a modular data management software system that enables collecting data from a wide range of Mitutoyo measuring tools and systems including calipers, indicators, sensors, vison and coordinate measuring machines.
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