
May 27, 2021

Manufacturing Processes Powder Metal Industry News

MPIF Announces Upcoming Powder Metal Courses

Registration has opened for the Basic Powder Metallurgy (PM) Short Course, the powder metallurgy industry's longest-running course, which will be held August 9–11, 2021, at Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel, State College, Pennsylvania. The Basic PM Short Course is an essential educational tool if you or your company's employees are new to PM; need an update of recent industry developments; look to broaden or enhance background knowledge; seek to enhance advancement opportunities. Recent attendees have taken note of the committed professionals teaching the course who are experienced, knowledgeable, and passionate about the industry.

Registration has also opened for the PM Parts Compacting/Tooling Seminar, which will be held September 13–14, 2021, at Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel, State College, Pennsylvania. Offered only every two years, the PM Parts Compacting/Tooling Seminar is the best way to learn about: Basic and advanced compacting and tooling technology; the latest developments in tool design, tool coating, and unique press applications; the impact of tool design and press selection on product quality. Recent attendees have taken note of the committed professionals teaching the course who are experienced, knowledgeable, and passionate about the industry, from compaction press designs and motions to improving tool life, part quality and productivity.
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