MTI Honors Solar Atmospheres Roger Jones
The Metal Treating Institute (MTI) recognized one of its long time volunteers, Roger Jones, corporate president of Solar Atmospheres at its Fall Meeting October 1-3, 2013 in Nashville, Tennessee. After six years of serving on the board of trustees, Jones became president of MTI in 2005. In 2009, he returned to the board of trustees and has volunteered on numerous committees over the years. Jones was a member of the transition team to the new management company in 2008 upon then CEO Lance Miller’s retirement and helped rewrite MTI’s governing documents. He served on the national meeting program committee and as a board member of the MTI Educational Foundation.
During the awards ceremony, MTI 2012 President, Buster Crossley from Texas Heat Treating states, “Roger Jones is an icon within the heat treating community and the MTI. He is a selfless individual who always has the industry’s best interest at heart. He is the epitome of what a volunteer should look like for any organization.”
Jones reflects, “I am honored to receive this award and to have worked with so many dedicated people on the board."
The commitment to MTI is a family affair. Jone’s son, Jamie Jones of Solar Atmospheres, is taking his father’s place on the board starting January 1st. Jamie will begin his first 3-year term representing the Atlantic Coast Chapter. “I am proud of my father’s accomplishments through MTI and I am excited to have the experience of serving on the board. I look forward to continuing to grow this great organization."
Established in 1933, MTI is the largest network of heat treaters in the world with plants in 40 states and eight countries and sales of over $1.4 billion. Solar Atmospheres has been a MTI member since 1983.