New High-Speed Inspection System from Renishaw
Introduced at EMO, the Renscan5 high-speed inspection system from Renishaw delivers part inspection speeds up to 20 times faster than conventional technology, according to the manufacturer.
The Renscan5 uses the REVO two-axis, infinite positioning probe head to scan at 500 mm per second while allowing the coordinate measuring machine (CMM) to move in a single axis at a constant velocity. According to Renishaw, this eliminates major sources of CMM dynamic errors that have restricted scanning speeds to 10・0 mm per second in conventional metrology practice. Critical to large gear set manufacturers, the machine can verify fit and form of thousands of data points in a matter of minutes, the company says.
Barry Rogers, Renishaws national sales and marketing manager, says. "There is no question this is a leap-frog in technology. REVO collects data at 6,000 data points a second, compared to one or two data points a second using touch trigger sensors or 200-300 data points a second using current scanning technologies."
The REVO head performs most of the work in scanning part features, delivering speeds and accelerations beyond CMM capabilities while avoiding the dynamic errors incurred in moving the larger mass of the CMM at high rates of acceleration/deceleration.
According to the companys press release, the ultra-high-speed scanning system solves a production bottleneck for makers of complex parts that require large numbers of data points for process control and data variation.
Both the Renscan5 and REVO head can be installed on existing or new CMMs, due to a universal CMM controller developed by Renishaw.