New Scanner from Induction Tooling
The Model No. Scan I.T-LRS36 scanner from Induction Tooling was introducted at Gear Expo 2005.
According to the companys literature, the quench system contains a G&L stainless steel 5 HP pump with a flow rating of 50 GPM at 50 PSI as well as flat plate heat exchanger and a stainless steel filter fab bag filtering system.
Motion control components include a Vickers hydraulic power unit with a 5 HP motor and system operating pressure of 750 PSI. A temposonics digital control (TDC100) contains a digital servo controller, 12 digital outputs, an eight program storage capability and 99 presets. Finally, the temposonics linear positioning transducer enables resolution from 0.005 to 0.00005", superior repeatibility to +/- 0.0012% of full stroke.