
November 26, 2007

Industry News

Niagara Gear Expands Plant in New York

A recent 8,000-square-foot expansion project at Niagara Gear Corporation in Buffalo, New York, brings the total plant size to more than 30,000 feet. The completed project features a gear-cutting center, gear-grinding department and new manufacturing and engineering offices.  According to the company’s press release, the facility will allow the company to implement a time-efficient inventory system aimed at improving workflow. The expanded space also gives Niagara the ability to add new equipment, such as a recently purchased CNC cylindrical grinding machine.    “The expansion opens the door for future capital equipment purchases because we now have the floor space to do it,” says Robert Barden, vice president and general manager at Niagara Gear Corporation. “This signifies positive growth for Niagara Gear.”
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