
December 10, 2015

Industry News

NIMS Announces Two New Accreditations of High School Precision Manufacturing Programs

NIMS is pleased to announce accreditation of the Precision Manufacturing Programs at South Elgin High School and Streamwood High School. Officially accredited as of November 11, 2015, the staff and faculty of both schools, and of School District U-46, have met NIMS standards and will continue to set the bar for exceptional metalworking training.

This marks the first time that each program has secured NIMS accreditation; the only national benchmark for excellence in metalworking training as based on national industry-written, industry-approved standards. In doing so, both high schools demonstrate a continued commitment to providing industry-level training within the state of Illinois and for the greater US Manufacturing Industry.

To complete the accreditation audit, an on-site evaluation took place in October and was conducted by Lead Evaluator Terry Babb (Apex Tool & Mfg., Inc.) and Education Rep Juan Del Castillo (Jane Addams Resource Corporation).

The visit included facility inspections of both metalworking shops, as well as interviews with students, instructors, administrators, and local employers. Following these events, the evaluation team gathered enough evidence to recommend accreditation and issued above-average ratings in most areas of evaluation including program purpose, facilities, equipment/tooling/measuring devices, administration, instructional staff, and advisory committee support.

This accreditation is based on NIMS National Level I Machining Skills Standards with an emphasis on CNC Milling Operations; CNC Turning Operations; Job Planning, Benchwork, and Layout; and Measurement, Materials and Safety

Establishing this industry benchmark secures accreditation of each program for the next five years.

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