No Secret Handshake Required
Most things grow thin when you spread them, like butter on toast or the money in your wallet. We’ve all felt overwhelmed by our schedules and commitments to the point that our very lives feel like they’re spread too thin.
But there’s one thing that gains strength and power the more it’s spread, and that’s knowledge.
Take this issue of Gear Technology, for example. It’s full of really great knowledge, including information about the latest technology for manufacturing; important gear-related events that have taken place or are about to; technical knowledge based on R&D, academic research and product development; and much more.
In your hands, this issue has a lot of power. It can give you ideas about ways to help your company improve operations, become more profitable or make better gears. Maybe this knowledge could help you become better at your job.
But just think what would happen if you shared this knowledge with that new colleague in your department, the new kid they just hired, your customer who’s struggling to understand what you do, your boss (who’s also struggling to understand what you do—just kidding, bosses are great), or anyone else you know who’s connected to the world of gear manufacturing.
When you share it, knowledge doesn’t get spread thin.
It multiplies.
Gear Technology was built on the foundation of sharing knowledge, but we need your help to get it into the hands of the people who need it most. Ours is not a secret club where you have to know the password or secret handshake to get in. Knowledge is for everybody.